Karma as One’s Soul Mission

Daily Gratitude Journal
2 min readSep 16, 2020
Photo by Javier García on Unsplash

Once I understood my karma, my karma became my soul mission.

I feel grateful for not only to understand my own destiny, but also to accept them as my own. I live through life to resolve my indentured karma via people I interact with and challenges I encounter.

I see the path to the greatest fulfillment in my life, and that is through discovering and remembering who I am. The day I pay through my karma will be the day my soul shall be free.

I found the light in the darkest corner of my life. And through the darkness, everything made sense. For only from the darkness one could pierce through the light, not the other way around. From my own shadows I was reborn.

I do not shy away from who I was and who I am. I put myself together in the darkness only to walk into the light. I take pride in my stitches of dark pieces.

I walk into the light without fearing the brightness. Once I integrate into the light, I know I become another beacon of hope for the rest of the world.

I breathe life into those who are still in the darkness. I show them the way, I lead them the way. Light contains life, and life is light itself.

This journey called life is the journey of enlightenment. Brighten myself, and I shall brighten the world. That is my karma — my very soul mission.

Infinite Blessings,

Daily Gratitude Journal #6

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