Money Manifestations

Daily Gratitude Journal
2 min readSep 18, 2020

Abundance is my birth right.

Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

I am meant to make a lot of fucking money.

I am meant to leave a legacy.

I am grateful everyday for money blessings in my life.

Money flows to me with ease and grace.

I am all I need to feel safe and secure in the world.

I am ready to accept even more abundance in my life.

I am ready to play big.

Money loves me, and I love money.

Money is energy. Money always flows to me.

I am attracting abundant people into my life.

I am supported in my success.

My angels are working hard behind-the-scenes for me.

My career is unique to myself.

I make successful investments multiplying money easily.

Additional income streams keep generating for me.

I change people’s lives, and bring them into the light.

I help people make financial decisions to rebuild themselves.

I have multiple streams of income generating passive income.

Wealth comes easily to me.

Life is good. Life is easy.

I have built a tremendous wealth for myself.

Millions of dollars keep flowing into me.

I win naturally. I am always winning literally at everything.

I witness miracles and blessings everyday in my life.

I have more money than I ever imagined.

I am lucky. I am strong.

Infinite Blessings,

Daily Gratitude Journal #8

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