Signs of Wounded Healer

Daily Gratitude Journal
3 min readSep 22, 2020

I see a wounded healer, rising up from the darkness.

Someone who appreciates the light, because they have been through suffering themselves. This is not just someone who is ignorantly blissful, but who understands the bleak nature of the world while not being discouraged.

A wounded healer is someone who doesn’t take life for granted, because his/her compassion and love for the world has only expanded through the dark night of the soul they experienced. From the darkness, they have risen not full of vengeance, but of love and mercy. These are the people who acquired magical healing power through their pain and suffering. Traumas they experienced did not break them, instead made them stronger than any other souls on earth. Their hearts have grown bigger and more magnanimous. And through their love they help the world heal as a collective being.

There is inexplicable sexiness and mystery wounded healers exude. This charm arises from the deep soul connection they have established with their inner self. They are always tuned into their own energy, while extra sensitive to the outside energies around them, too. The connection to their own life purpose makes them grounded and undeterred, the qualities that make them irresistibly attractive. Once they open up their heart, it’s easy to be amazed by the intimacy and vulnerability they possess inside the sexiest external body.

They help people with emotional release and connection to their souls. They are the ones healing the broken and wounded, even when there are no signs of hope left in people’s lives. They breathe life and love inside the lost souls, helping them ground securely in their bodies. They are the ones crack opening the deepest wounds inside people. Showing the raw, vulnerable self in front of themselves. And from there, people learn to love themselves as who they truly are. The version of themselves that have been rejected and abandoned through years of adjustment on the earth. The truest version of themselves that they were born with on this plane. And from there, one starts rebuilding the best version of themselves.

Once connected to one’s true soul mission, manifestations start to sweep in. Let it be relationship or finances, everything one simply dreamed of start to manifest in reality. Love and support comes in. Emotional and financial abundance increases. Opportunities start storming in from out of no where. Positive vibration affects everyone around attracting more trusting and supporting people. Seeing and hearing signs from guided angels every single day. There is no greater blessings to be experienced in 3D. The world starts to look completely different, seeing beyond the ordinary eyes.

And just like that, another wounded healer is born. Helping more people experience the rapid soul transformation and growth they just had. Unlocking more fulfillment and happiness in the world. Aligning people to their individual soul missions. Raising the vibration of the planet as a whole.

So next time you see a wounded soul, go tap into their energy and become one yourself. From there, the rest will be history.

Infinite Blessings,

Daily Gratitude Journal #10

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