The 12 Universal Laws to Live the Fullest Life (Part 1/4)

Daily Gratitude Journal
4 min readSep 27, 2020

All life and energy comes from the same divine oneness.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

Namaste means “I bow to you,” honoring the fact that we are all divine beings on earth living to achieve our ultimate self-actualization through unconditional love.

We are all made from the same divine oneness. All things are connected, therefore influencing each other through positive or negative energies. Macro universe is a living organism that continuously receives and gives energy in creating a material reality. Recognizing the connection we share, we must understand that everything we do, say, think, and believe affects us and the collective consciousness as a whole.

When energies are aligned, we experience synchronicities where things seem to happen for us — we find the right people at the right time. Coincidences seem to occur event after event. This leads us to experience happiness to live from the heart and contribution through our passion.

2. The Law of Vibration

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” — Albert Einstein

Each sound, every thought, and most importantly every feeling and emotion has a unique vibrational frequency. They all move, vibrate, and travel in circular patterns. Thoughts and feelings have a very significant power of attraction. Knowing how to be aware of feelings and focusing on how to raise my vibrational frequency to be aligned with our desires is the most substantial and crucial thing you can do in order to create the life of your desires.

The same law states that like frequencies attract like frequencies. Therefore, your focus on either positive or negative thoughts or feelings will attract more of the same kind. Each emotion is the same vibration, but with different frequencies at each spectrum. For example, powerlessness has a very low and dense frequency, while personal power is the same vibration but with a frequency that is high, positive, exhilarating, and vibrating at the opposite spectrum. You have to match the frequency you want to attract it into your life to a similar thought, feeling, word, and action coming from you in order to materialize desires, which are also energy frequency.

Whatever you want is already created for you, and already present in the universe. All you need to do is align yourself with the vibration of your desire. So that you can allow it into your life. Finding out what it is that you want will give you feelings of enthusiasm and joy. You will receive energy to move in the direction of your dreams. These feelings are the ones that you need to take action on. When you act as if what you desire is already in your possession. You align yourself with the vibrational frequency of that what you desire and bring it fast.

In this way you start closing the gap between your mental picture and your physical reality. And you will attract circumstances, people, and creative ideas that will help you achieve your goal. This is the essence of the law of vibration.

3. The Law of Action

You must facilitate the other laws with inspirational action. We need to exercise action, when we receive guidance from within ourselves. The way to know if guidance is coming from your mind or from the peaceful inner self is by reading your feelings, and becoming aware of how you feel about what you have to do. If it feels good and enthusiastic about it, then it is a guidance coming from that more substantial and knowledgable part of you. But if the action you need to take feels burdensome, confusing, or if you feel like procrastinating, then something is not right. And you would be better off waiting, until you become clearer about your purpose.

Stay awake, and when idea or opportunity comes move with it. But don’t make radical actions that will bring you into low emotions, such as fear or despair or lack. You need to train yourself to look in the glass half full and start sending in intentions to the universe that will bring about circumstances that will change your life situations. You should make the change gradually, instead of making drastic moves that can drag you into despair or big trouble. Being in despair would not help you to change your vibrations.

This is where most of us fail. We might know what we want, but we fail to take action because we are either skeptical, feel unworthy, and not capable of achieving our dreams. Or are too depressed or exhausted from living in harsh conditions. The creation process always starts in the mind with an idea. Affirmations and visualizations do a tremendous job. But without consistent action from your part, your goals will become dreams and regrets for not living life to the fullest. Even if your steps will be off track here and there, with each action, you become clearer on hearing and following your intuition. Get energized and get closer to your desired outcome. Most importantly, have faith and patience in pursuing success. Trust your guidance with making decisions. And know that the power to create it is inside you, and that the universe supports you 100%.

>>>>Part 1 of 4 “The 12 Universal Laws to Live the Fullest Life”

Infinite Blessings,

Daily Gratitude Journal #13

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