the people i’ve met

so far…

haleyb =)
daily haley


I've never considered myself good at making friends. And coming to college I didn't seem to realize that it would be a good idea to make new ones. I had my friends back home that I could talk to, but the problem is that I go to a college that is roughly 419 miles away from home so I am basically on my own, even though I have my friends on speed dial every time a cute boy would say hi to me.

It was interesting my first semester because I ran into a mix-match of a people. I accumulated this group of friends that I just considered friends and nothing more. They were people I hung out with so I wouldn't spend my Saturday nights alone. They were people who dormed right next to me so it was difficult to run away from them. They were people who were in my classes. They were my roommate. And I can’t believe how scared I was about getting close to them.

But now that I am halfway done with my second semester, my first year of college almost out of the way, and I am so glad to call these people my friends. They accentuate the fact that maybe I've grown apart from some of my high school friends but I’m okay with that because I’m not in high school anymore. College is always about having to make new decisions and being open to new changes and challenges. I just never thought that making friends would be a new change for me. Having people get you know is time consuming when you already friends who know everything about you, but it’s fun, especially when two stories collide at some point. At this point, I've opened up to the idea that these people are people that could make my college experience worth while and I am loving it.

I guess this is just about letting people in, because once you do, life starts to get fun.

