In Pursuit of Daily Human Excellence

Hansen N Hunt
Daily Human Excellence
3 min readJun 22, 2020


Photo by Aleks Marinkovic on Unsplash

My life purpose is to achieve daily human excellence. Spoiler alert, I fail on a regular basis. However, every day is a new opportunity to achieve excellence.

What is Daily Human Excellence?

A philosophy, life purpose, and contagious energy. Simultaneously a goal to strive for and the moment you are currently living. It is being in alignment with your core values and true self.

Each person’s values and true self is unique and therefore their definition of excellence can only be discovered by looking inward and defining your Self and what drives you on a daily basis. It evolves over time. At this moment, my Daily Human Excellence definition is to ensure my time each day is spent in alignment with my current core values and true self. The more I can align my activities directly impacts the amount of joy and growth I will experience on a given day.

  • My current core values: Mission, Collaboration, Personal Development, Diversity, Creativity, Taking Risks, Empathy
  • My true self: I am a mindful and compassionate man. I am a connector of people and ideas, innovator, lifelong learner, and fire stoker. I shape narratives that shift industries to be better.

“The great Way is easy,

Yet people prefer the side paths.



Hansen N Hunt
Daily Human Excellence

Daily Human Excellence | Connector | Innovator | Lifelong Learner | Marathoner | Marketing Strategist.