Daily Journal Prompt — Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

One Question, One Quote, Every Day

May Pang
Daily Journal Prompts


Created by the author

Play along on a thought experiment with me.

Imagine one of those days where everything just seems to be going your way.

You woke up feeling amazing, the air smelled like spring, you had the perfect cup of coffee, and you spent the day laughing with your best friends. You’re not really sure what was so awesome about that day, only that you felt great.

As you sit reflecting on this perfect day, out of nowhere, a tiny voice inside your head says,

“I’m anxious.”

What do you do?

Do you try to silence it?

“Pfftt, what are you talking about? We just had a perfect day!”

Then proceed to ignore it?

Or do you give in to it?

“Oh my God, I don’t have a job, I really couldn’t afford that last beer.”

And allow it to spiral out of control?

I had grown up my entire life thinking there were only two ways to deal with the voice inside my head — to ignore it or to listen to it.



May Pang
Daily Journal Prompts

Combining Storytelling with Science. Communication & Connection Coach. Would love to hear from you!💗may@mojomint.com 💙 www.mojomint.com. Based in Boulder, CO.