Daily Journal Prompts — Can You Be Just 10% Happier Tomorrow?

One Question, One Quote, Every Day

May Pang
Daily Journal Prompts


Created by the author

“I just can’t imagine myself doing that,” said a sweet stranger I had just met.

She had taken a photo of me climbing and we had started chatting. Through our conversation she had discovered that I was on an extended solo rock climbing road trip.

What she was doing was framing my trip from her current viewpoint of never having traveled, gone rock climbing, or camped alone. I certainly wouldn’t have done the same if I was in her situation.

The events that prepared me for this trip had started years ago. I had then traveled increasingly further, climbed progressively harder, and acquired incrementally more camping gear. As I learned more skills and solved different obstacles, I eventually built up to my trip — but it was a progression, not a transformation.

The frame from which that stranger had viewed my position from seemed like an enormous transformation. So, she just assumed that she couldn’t do it. If she had viewed this as a progression, maybe she would realize that it was actually possible for her. Perhaps, you are susceptible to this too.

The little voice inside you says, “I want to write a book.”



May Pang
Daily Journal Prompts

Combining Storytelling with Science. Communication & Connection Coach. Would love to hear from you!💗may@mojomint.com 💙 www.mojomint.com. Based in Boulder, CO.