Are You Falling Behind on Acknowledging Medium Notifications?
Here’s another smart method to promote other writers with your own stories
So far, the year 2024 has been a busy roller coaster ride for me on Medium, yet I’m still here.
During the year’s turbulent periods, I became a Friend of Medium, and later was wrongfully swept up in a spam purge, like so many wrongfully accused members.
I was swiftly cleared of any type of wrongdoing, and in spite of my newfound distrust of the platform, I eventually double downed on my decision to remain here, writing Medium meta, in spite of the potential to earn less in this niche.
Roller coaster or not, for better or for worse, I’ve chosen to stick it out, just like so many other diehard writers here in the community.
In view of my decision to keep doing what I’ve been doing all along, I plan to resume my ongoing objective, which is to engage much more fully, with the members who read my stories, and those writers whose stories I enjoy reading the most.
Even when that doesn’t necessarily turn out to be one and the same thing…
- Ideally, we’d love nothing better if the writers we read the most, were also the same writers who read…