How Medium Writers Help Motivate the Community!

Do you know any writers with stories that benefit us all?

Justiss Goode | FšŸ˜„M
Daily Justiss


Photo Provided by Author ā€” via

Thereā€™s something special about motivation that I have found to be true.

If you take the time to motivate someone else, youā€™ll also be ā€œupliftedā€ too.

That was how I happened to decide on the name of this motivational series that Iā€™ve been publishing all month long.

Right now, I have some good news about this fourth week of my January Uplifted series.

As we get ready to enter into another week of motivational quotes, I plan to share some words of wisdom from some of our very own Medium writers.

Thatā€™s right. And whatā€™s even better; Iā€™m inviting all of you to share a quote from someone elseā€™s story that you might have come across on Medium.

In all honesty, I have to say that I was inspired to do this, thanks to a poem written by Medium writer Heather Hubler. She wrote:

Photo Provided by Author ā€” via

When I read her poem called ā€œInvisibleā€, it reminded me of the Phil Collins song, ā€œAnother Day In Paradiseā€ which coincidentally, I quoted from in Week 2 ofā€¦



Justiss Goode | FšŸ˜„M
Daily Justiss

Prolific Writer | Publication Editor | Friend of the Community: Always down to support fellow writers and their stories, in fun, creative, and promotional ways!