Best ways to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

Helen Grace
Daily Lifestyle Blog
5 min readAug 20, 2021

Our body is our temple and we need to take care of it. Life is beautiful and you don’t want to bog yourself down with unnecessary health problems. Today, your vital organs may be working well, but they may not be tomorrow. Don’t take your health for granted. Take proper care of your body. Good health isn’t just about healthy eating and exercise, it’s also about having a positive attitude, a positive self-image, and a healthy lifestyle.

1. Taking Care of the Basics

2. Getting Into Healthy Habits

3. Keeping Track of Your Health

Taking Care of the Basics

1. Eat a variety of foods

For good health, we need more than 40 different nutrients, and no single food can supply them all. It is not about a single meal, it is about a balanced food choice over time that will make a difference. Eat at least three meals a day with healthy snacks in between. Pay attention to your portion size and serving sizes of different foods to make sure that you’re not overeating. It is unhealthy to overeat, even if it is with healthy foods. Eat a variety of whole foods. Eat beans, nuts, salads, and fermented foods like yogurt.

2. Drink more water

Eating juicy vegetables and fruits will also hydrate you. Most of us don’t drink enough water every day. Water is essential for our bodies to function. Water is needed to carry out body functions, remove waste, and carry nutrients and oxygen around our body. Since we lose water daily through urine, bowel movements, perspiration, and breathing, we need to replenish our water intake.

3. Pick exercises that you enjoy

You don’t have to join a gym to exercise. You can take brisk walks, go on runs, swim, or join a dance troupe. When you enjoy a sport, you naturally want to do it. Exercise isn’t about suffering and pushing yourself; it’s about being healthy and having fun at the same time. Adding variation in your exercises will keep them interesting.

4. Get enough sleep

Sleep has everything to do with health. When you don’t rest well, you compensate by eating more. Usually, it’s junk food. Get enough rest and you don’t need to snack to stay awake. Also, lack of sleep causes premature aging and you don’t want that! Try to wind down naturally around the same time every evening so you’re your body knows it’s time to relax.

Getting Into Healthy Habits

1. Don’t smoke

Cigarettes are toxic. Everyone knows smoking is bad for your health. If you are one of the lucky ones who never became addicted to nicotine, pat yourself on the back. Smokers, I hope you are working diligently to kick your habit. It’s impossible to underestimate the importance of a smoke-free life for your health as well as for the sake of those around you.

2. Love yourself

Self-love is a crucial part of living a healthy life. When you have a negative self-image, it naturally weighs down on your mental outlook and health. There is a strong link between happiness and health, so try to get in the habit of treating yourself lovingly. Speak to yourself the way you would speak to a dear friend. When you start having negative spirals of thought, pause, and identify the thought that is making you feel bad. Accept the bad feeling and don’t try to control it. Instead, calm yourself until you can analyze the logic behind your bad feeling.

3. Brush and floss daily

Keep your teeth and gums healthy and free of disease. Dental hygiene affects your heart health as well as your gums and teeth. Brush twice a day and floss daily. Consider adding in a mouthwash containing fluoride.

4. Cook at home

Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier than eating out, so teach yourself to cook the things you love, and keep a well-stocked fridge. Shop healthily. Plan out your meals for the week, and go to the grocery store with a list. Start in the produce aisles, and skip the chips and snack aisles.

Keeping Track of Your Health

1. Consult your doctor regularly

Ask your doctor if you are taking care of yourself correctly. Your doctor may have thoughts about your diet and exercise. See your doctor regularly. Enlist the help of an expert to aid you in your healthy life. Get your annual check-up, and go in whenever you think something might be wrong. Doctors are there to educate you as well as diagnose you, so going in to the doctor when healthy is never a waste of time. Discuss with your doctor whether you need any medicine to help you stay healthy. These might include medicines to control high blood pressure, treat osteoporosis or lower cholesterol.

2. Look out for signs and symptoms

Screen yourself for any diseases or conditions you might be prone to. If an illness runs in your family, monitor for it. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, or if you notice your skin or any other body part changing in a way that cannot be attributed to ordinary aging, see a doctor.

It is very important to take care of our health. And also do proper exercise and eat only healthy foods that rich in vitamins and minerals. Most of the people cannot reach 100 years old because of drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. There’s nothing more important than our good health — that’s our principal capital asset. I wish, all happiness, good health and togetherness comes to you.

Our body is our temple and we need to take care of it

Originally published at



Helen Grace
Daily Lifestyle Blog

Lifestyle blogger share a broad variety of content centered around and inspired by my personal lives