3 Elements Of Product Success

The difference between a product and a successful product is in the way how we think about it during the planning and execution phase.

Dawid Pacholczyk
Daily manager


Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

Creating a product isn’t a complicated process, not anymore. We have access to an enormous amount of tools. In times when everything can be created and sold over the internet, the barriers from the past almost do not exist.

The question is not “how to do it?” but “why we should do it?”. It’s all about the problem, need, and passion. Covering those 3 areas won’t guarantee you success but not covering them is a straight path to failure.


What is a common trait of every successful product regardless of technology and industry? They are solving a very specific problem.

If your product is not solving a specific and well-defined problem then there is no sense in creating it. You will only lose money or time, but in most cases, you’ll lose both.

Only a true understanding of the problem can lead you to a well-thought solution. Why solution is so important? Because the product is nothing more than a tool that implements the solution. Such a product is useful for your clients and understood by them. When you have those two things you’re able to…



Dawid Pacholczyk
Daily manager

Manager, lecturer, researcher. I turn knowledge and experience into words to help others.