5 Easy Ways to Ensure Your Pet’s Health and Wellness

Daily Paw Post
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2016

Your pet’s preventative care is important because many illnesses begin long before there are any symptoms. And, all too often, the appearance of symptoms can indicate a condition is gone too far to be reversible without immediate and/or harsh treatments.

Here are 5 easy ways to ensure your pets’ health and wellness:

  1. Bi-Annual Exams. Routine veterinary exams are so important because it’s during these times when your pet will get a blood panel, a fecal sample, and any other necessary tests done. These tests are crucial in determining any preliminary health issues that may require further attention or medical treatment.
  2. Blood Panel. A series of blood tests that monitor the liver, kidneys, white and red blood cell counts. These tests can show any abnormalities and are recommended bi-annually for senior pets over the age of 7.
  3. Fecal Sample. This is a small stool sample the vet takes to test your pet for parasites. It’s relatively painless and should be done at least once a year, more often in puppies.
  4. Other Tests. This might be an EKG, blood pressure monitoring, ultrasound, or anything else that might help the vet in determining a potentially serious issue.
  5. Dental Health. More than 80% of cats and dogs show signs of oral disease, which includes everything from gum disease to oral melanoma (cancer). By taking care of your pet’s teeth, you can increase your pet’s life by up to five years.
  6. Brushing your pet’s teeth at home is a great way to get them used to the sensation and help maintain clean teeth and gums. It can also extend the time between professional dental cleanings, saving you money in the process.
  7. Annual Oral Exams. Have your pet’s mouth examined at least once a year to catch any problems that may occur early on.
  8. Bad Breath. In addition to being unpleasant, it can also be a symptom of a serious problem with your pet’s mouth or digestive system.
  9. Healthy Diet. Nutritional requirements for cats and dogs vary. Therefore, it’s best to check with your veterinarian and the feeding instructions on every label. While some pets may be able to self feed, where food can be left out all the time, but many will need portion controlled feeding times.
  10. Dog food should contain the following:
  • High quality, animal-based protein for muscle maintenance
  • Fiber for a healthy digestive tract
  • Essential vitamins and minerals for the immune system
  • Vitamin-rich fish oils for a healthy coat, skin and overall health
  • Healthy grains for energy
  1. Cats are strictly carnivores, so the food should contain the following:
  • Essential fatty acids for healthy skin and fur
  • Taurin for healthy eyes and heart muscle
  • Vitamin A, from liver, kidney and other organ meat and niacin for healthy growth
  1. Senior pets’ diets may be adjusted due to certain conditions that may develop with age.
  2. Daily Exercise. According to a Purina study, 60 percent of pets are overweight. Obesity in pets is as dangerous as it is in humans, causing diabetes, heart and lung diseases, bone and joint diseases, and other health issues. Fortunately, most of these problems can be prevented or averted through a daily exercise regimen.
  3. Daily walks are a great way to exercise your dog, and even some cats enjoy them.
  4. Training routines. Training sessions, agility courses, and other physically and mentally stimulating challenges are a great way to engage your pet, while spending quality time together.
  5. Dog-walking services. Some pet parents are just too busy to walk their dog, but that’s totally understandable. This is when dog-walking services are a great asset, both for the pet and the pet owners.
  6. Doggie Daycare. Having to go to work every day is something most pet parents have to deal with. If you’re away for long periods of time during the day, consider investing in doggie daycare.
  7. Parasite Prevention and Management. Fleas, heart-worms and intestinal parasites can cause anything from discomfort to life-threatening illnesses in pets. While fleas only live for a few months, they can actually lay up to 2,000 eggs in their lifetime. And heart-worm disease is passed down through infected mosquitoes and can be fatal if left untreated. Ticks can also pass infectious diseases when they bite your pet. This is why it’s so important to stay on top of your pets’ monthly parasite prevention medications. Most are external applications, but if your pet has sensitive skin, oral medications are also available.

Pets are amazing companions and if they could take care of themselves for us, they would, but they can’t. That’s why when we adopt our furry best friend, we must do so with the understanding that is our sole responsibility to ensure our pet’s health and wellness. Following these five easy ways to ensure that your pet lives a long and happy life with you.



Daily Paw Post

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