Keep Your Pets Safe This Summer and Prevent Heat Stroke

Daily Paw Post
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2016

As the summer days get warmer in most climates, the chances of your pet presenting with heatstroke gets astronomically higher. Not only is it dangerous to leave pets in cars, or other small and confined places, but pets can get heat stroke even while outside with you on a hike in the midst of a hot summer day. That’s why it’s so important to not only know how to identify the signs of heat stroke, but how to prevent heat stroke, as well.

Heatstroke is more than just being hot. It happens when your pets’ core body temperature reaches dangerously high levels and affects internal organs. This can cause permanent damage, and even death.

What Are the Top 10 Signs of Heatstroke in Pets?

  1. Body temperatures reaching 104–110F degrees
  2. Excessive panting
  3. Dark or bright red tongue and gums
  4. Sticky or dry tongue and gums
  5. Staggering or being unable to walk straight
  6. Stupor
  7. Seizures
  8. Bloody diarrhea or vomiting
  9. Coma
  10. Death

Did you know: A quick way to assess if your dog’s body temperature is elevated is to take your dog’s temperature without using a thermometer.

Are There Breeds that are More Susceptible to Heatstroke?

Yes. The short-nosed breeds like Bulldogs and Pugs, large heavy-coated breeds, and those with heart and respiratory problems are more at risk for heat stroke.

What Should You Do If You Think Your Pet Has Heat Stroke?

  • Get your pet in a cool, shady place. Somewhere out of the heat.
  • Use cool water, not ice water to cool your pet down.
  • Apply cool wet cloths to the head and neck area, and on the paws
  • Offer ice cubes your pet can lick until you can reach a veterinarian
  • Stop assisted cooling once your pet’s body temperature reaches 103F degrees, because the pet can actually become Hypothermic (too cold).
  • Even if your pet looks okay on the outside, always make sure to get him/her checked out by a professional in order to rule out and/or treat and internal injuries or damage caused by the excessive heat.

Tips to Prevent Heat Stroke:

  • Provide plenty of shade and fresh water
  • Keep your pet groomed appropriately
  • Avoid long walks, hikes and jogs in the middle of a warm day
  • Never leave your pet in the car, not even for a “quick errand”

Things to Remember About Heat Stroke:

  • Heat stroke can happen even on relatively mild days.
  • There is usually a progression from mild heat stress to more moderate heat exhaustion to heat stroke. However, this progression can happen in a very short amount of time.
  • The temperature in a car increases about 19F degrees every 10 minutes. So if your car was just 70F degrees, ten minutes later, it’s already at nearly 90F degrees.
  • Walking, hiking or jogging outside during hot days can also burn or otherwise cause damage to your pets’ paws.

2 Good Rules of Thumb to Prevent Heat Stroke:

  1. If the sidewalk is too hot for you to walk barefoot, then it’s too hot for you pet too.
  2. If you sit in your car for a few minutes and start to feel too hot, your pet will too, so don’t leave them in there.



Daily Paw Post

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