Pet Dental Care Increases Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Daily Paw Post
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2016

Pet dental care is an important aspect of your pet’s overall health and well being. Just like in people, oral and dental issues can stem from as well as cause other health problems. And for those pet parents who love their fur babies and want to keep them around for as long as possible, research indicates that proper dental care can actually increase the life of your pet by 2 to 5 years.


Because toothaches, bad breath and dental diseases are not just reserved for humans, with a whopping more than 80% of pets in the U.S. experiencing gum disease by the age of 3.

Here are 4 easy ways you can use to start taking care of your pets mouth today:

  1. Teeth Brushing at Home. Unfortunately, because the sensation of having something in their mouth that they did not put in themselves is unfamiliar to them, most pets will not like when you try to brush their teeth. However, just like with all other grooming regimens, take the time to develop a daily or weekly routine of brushing their teeth, using either your finger or pet toothbrush, and a small amount of pet toothpaste. Never use human toothpaste, as it can be toxic to pets.
  2. Greenies. Sold in most pet stores, these are green-colored chew toys that are shaped like the thick bristles of a toothbrush. Research indicates that they can actually reduce up to 69% of tartar and over 10% of tartar buildup from your pet’s mouth, if used every day. Although nothing can take the place of a good teeth brushing, Greenies are a great secondary method of keeping your pet’s mouth clean and as tartar free as possible.
  3. Professional Grooming. If you take your pet to a professional groomer, ask them about dental packages and services they offer. Most will charge a nominal amount of $5-$15 for a teeth brushing. If you have a difficult time doing this at home, then having their teeth cleaned every few weeks or months, is better than none at all.
  4. Annual Oral Exam. Have your pet’s mouth examined during routine medical exams, or at least once or twice a year. Your vet may recommend a professional deep cleaning, using anesthesia. Depending on the age and health history of your pet, this may be a wise choice to prevent any future oral problems that may develop.

[caption id=”attachment_3636" align=”aligncenter” width=”268"]


Healthy teeth and gums are nothing to yawn about.[/caption]

Promoting a healthy mouth for your pet helps to prolong their well-being, as well as keep costs down on medical treatments. The good news is that several pet insurance companies cover the cost of pet dental care. However, most will not cover the cost of routine dental care. This is just another reason why it’s important for pet parents to stay on top of their pets dental hygiene routine.

In 2015, Nationwide Pet Insurance alone claimed that their policyholders filed more than $13.5 million dollars in pet dental care claims. WOW!

Other pet insurance companies that cover accidental and non-routine pet dental care are:

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance

PetPlan Pet Insurance

Figo Pet Insurance

ASPCA Pet Insurance (covers dental illnesses, including gingivitis and periodontal disease)

We invite you to visit our pet insurance providers page for a comprehensive list of pet insurance providers and the various policies they offer.



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