Top 4 Dangerous Pet Situations to Avoid this 4th of July

Daily Paw Post
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2016

The 4th of July is an exciting holiday for everyone, filled with lots of food, family, friends, and of course, fireworks. But your fur babies may not feel the same way about this holiday, mainly because of all of the new smells, sights, and sounds. Here are the top 4 most dangerous pet situations to avoid on the 4th of July:

  1. Cats and dogs, when frightened will often try to hide or run away. This can be very dangerous because while the pet parents are busy with family and friends, their pet can climb or jump a fence, gate, or even more dangerous, if scared enough, go through a glass window. The insurmountable bodily damage that this could cause is the reason this is number one on our list. Avoid pets escaping by securing them indoors, in a place that is safe and familiar to them. Don’t leave them in the yard, an unattended vehicle, or even in a home where the potential for opening doors and windows is unavoidable. The best place for your pet to be on this holiday is next to you. And of course, always make sure your pet has proper identification on him at all times.
  2. Pets, but especially dogs, love table scraps. And with the bbq going full swing, the smells of amazing foods will definitely be making your dog salivate today. But, it’s important to remember that many foods popular on this holiday are not safe for dogs, including raisins, grapes, onions, garlic, candy, foods containing Xylitol, like sugarless gum, fatty meat scraps, and left over grease. We’ve all seen how our dogs like to stand right next to the grill, patrolling the area around it, just waiting for a scrap to fall to the ground so they can eagerly claim it. This is when pet parents need to be most vigilant in ensuring their dogs don’t eat something they shouldn’t, or the consequences could be dire. Dogs that ingest too much fat or grease could end up with Pancreatitis, which is both painful and dangerous.
  3. Although your pets should have plenty of drinking water available throughout the day to stay hydrated, pet parents who are celebrating America’s birthday near a body of water, such as a beach, lake, or even a backyard pool, should never assume that their pet knows how to swim. If your family is bringing the dog to a party with a pool, always be sure your furry friend is comfortable around the water by introducing him to the pool, showing him around the edges, showing him where the steps are, and if your dog wants to go for a swim, keeping a close eye on him both in and out of the water. Unlike people, dogs cannot pull themselves up on the sides of a pool. If they get tired while swimming, and either panic or don’t know where the steps are, they could easily drown.
  4. The 4th of July is probably the noisiest and scariest holiday of the year, due in large part to the fireworks and other similar loud tools used to celebrate the occasion. Pets have no awareness of holidays, nor do they remember that they heard these sounds before in years past. However, you as the pet parent are the best judge of how your fur baby will react. If your pet was scared, shaking and/or tried to escape last year, you can be sure they have not learned any proverbial lesson and will act out in the same way this year. Since there is nothing you can do about the fireworks outside, take a few steps to ensure your pet’s comfort by bringing him inside, keeping doors and windows closed, putting on a white noise machine or even the television to help drown out the loud, abrupt noises, and keep your pet surrounded with familiar toys and surroundings. If like most families, you will be leaving your home to go see fireworks, make sure your home is secured, doors and windows locked tight, and that your dog or cat is safely inside.

There is a reason why July 5th is the busiest day of the year for Animal Shelters across the country. Taking precautions to ensure your pet is safe and looked after will help keep you and your pet safe and together.



Daily Paw Post

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