Authentication in Nodejs using Passport.js

Piyush Garg
Daily Programmer
Published in
5 min readApr 24, 2020


Hello once again, In this article I would be teaching you authentication in nodejs using express and passport.js

I know working with passport.js is a little bit tricky and confusing, but trust me I'll make it really simple.

I would highly recommend you to code along with me to better understand the flow of the code.

Note: Before we begin I would like you to understand the term “Strategy”

Passport uses what is termed strategies to authenticate requests.

Like authenticating with username and password is a strategy, authenticating with google or Facebook is a strategy.

So the strategy is a way to authenticate a user.

In this tutorial, we would be using the username and password authentication known as a local strategy in terms of passport.js

Step 0: Project setup and Installing dependencies

First of all, Create a new folder, let’s say “myApplication” and open your terminal or command prompt in that folder.

After opening your terminal or command prompt run the following command to initialize your node application.

npm init

After successfully creating your JSON file, now we are ready to install the following dependencies:

  1. express
  2. express-session
  3. passport
  4. passport-local

Install the above dependencies by typing following command:

npm install express express-session passport passport-local

Now, Our project is set up and we are ready to move to the next step.

Step 1: Creating a Boilerplate Code

Lets now create index.js and write the boilerplate code for the express app.

So, I hope that you have got an idea that what we are going to implement.

In the above code we have two routes:

  1. Home Route ‘/’: This route checks if the req.user is present, which means the user is logged in and sends heyy and email if so, else it sends a response saying Heyy how are you?.
  2. Login Route ‘/login’: This route is a route that we need to implement later. This route is responsible for logging in the user.

Now, in the next step, we would be implementing some middleware functions which we need to authenticate the user.

Step 2: Implementing Middleware functions

To authenticate our user using passport we need to implement the following middleware functions:

  1. express-session() — Maintaining Sessions
  2. passport.initialize() — Initialize Passport.js
  3. passport.session() — Using Passport Sessions

With that being set lets import and implement them.

Okay, With that being set let's move to next step.

Step 3: Code the passport.js

In this step, we would be coding the logic part of passport.js which is really simple.

Step 1: Create a file named as passport.js in your project root directory.

Step 2: Import passport-local Strategy

const LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;

Finally exporting a helper function that accepts passport as a parameter and configures it as a local strategy for us.

It okay for now if you didn't understand the above line.

So our passport.js would look something like this:

{usernameField: ‘email’}

Let me simplify the above code

In the above code, we are exporting a function that takes passport as a parameter(line #3), After then it calls the use method on the passport that we get from the parameter and passes a new instance of the strategy we want to use (local strategy in this case, the one we imported on the top).

The LocalStrategy instance which is being passed to passport.js(line #5) takes in two parameters:

  1. Options: We are passing an option{usernameField: ‘email’, passwordField: ‘password’}, which means that the user would provide his username with a field named as email and password with field named as password.
  2. callback function: The second argument is a callback function which has access to 3 parameters:
  • email: Email Id of the user
  • password: Password of the user
  • done: We call the done function after we process our logic with email and password to call next middleware.

If we found the user from database and we match the password we call done function with the first parameter as null and second as user object.

done(null, user);

If we could not found the user or the password is wrong we call the done function as:

done(null, false, {message: "Incorrect Password or no user found"}

Step 4: Completing our login route

Before we complete our login route we need to configure our passport js with the help of function we just created in the previous step.

Back to index.js

Line Number 8

After we configure the passport, lets now complete our login route

Yeah! That's it. Your Login route is ready.

The passport.authenticate(‘local’) would call the function we exported from passport.js and pass the email and password to the Local Strategy we created.

If everything goes well, passport then called the next middleware that is our req, res function where we send a response saying login success.

Last Step: Serialize and Deserialize the user

Don’t panic! Serialising and the deserializing user simply means that every time the user makes a request to the server we need to parse the incoming user and set the user value to the req.user object.

Every time the user makes a request to server firstly the Serialize user gets called which has the user that we created before. (passport.js line number #12).

Then this function further calls the deserialize user in which we set the req.user and pass the control to next middleware.

Congrats! You have learned how to implement authentication using Passport.js

Let's test our implementation in Postman



Piyush Garg
Daily Programmer

21 years old application and web developer. Certified in C, C++, And Java. Completed IT Trainings in Web Development, Javascript, MERN and web Designs, Android