Python script to generate Meme | Daily Python #11

Ajinkya Sonawane
Daily Python
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2020

This article is a tutorial on how to generate a meme using Python and ImgFlip API.

Snip of the Meme Generated in the article

This article is a part of Daily Python challenge that I have taken up for myself. I will be writing short python articles daily.


  1. Python 3.0
  2. Pip

Install the following packages:

  1. requests — Library to making HTTP requests.
  2. urllib — Library for working with URLs
pip install requests urllib

First, we got to and create an account

Snip of the Sign Up page of ImgFlip

After signing up on ImgFlip, we can use our username and password to communicate with the API. These credentials are required for generating a new meme and not required while fetching the meme templates.

Let’s import the required modules

import requests
import urllib

Now, let’s store all the required credentials into variables

username = 'AjinkyaSonawane'
password = 'dailypy1'

Later we will also require the User-Agent of the browser to save the meme generated, let’s fetch the User-Agent and store it in a variable

userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) \
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117 \

Let’s fetch the meme templates and list them for the user

Documentation of API for fetching meme template
#Fetch the available memes
data = requests.get('').json()['data']['memes']
images = [{'name':image['name'],'url':image['url'],'id':image['id']} for image in data]
#List all the memes
print('Here is the list of available memes : \n')
ctr = 1
for img in images:
ctr = ctr+1

ctr is a counter used to display as a serial number. It will also be used to fetch the template_id of the selected meme.

Snip of the Output of the above code snippet

Accept the ‘Serial Number’ and Two text fields for the meme

Snip of the required parameters for generating the meme
#Take input from user -- Meme, Text0 and Text1
id = int(input('Enter the serial number of the meme : '))
text0 = input('Enter first text : ')
text1 = input('Enter second text : ')
Snip of the Output of the above code snippet

Now that we have the meme template and the required text, let’s generate the meme

#Fetch the generated meme
URL = ''
params = {
response = requests.request('POST',URL,params=params).json()
Snip of the Output of the above code snippet

Let’s save the image using the URL retrieved of the generated meme

#Save the meme
opener = urllib.request.URLopener()
opener.addheader('User-Agent', userAgent)
filename, headers = opener.retrieve(response['data']['url'], images[id-1]['name']+'.jpg')

The image is saved in the current working directory

Snip of the Output of the above code snippet

Generate Memes and share them. I hope this article was helpful, do leave some claps if you liked it.

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