2015 #DRG2016

Anagh Narain
Daily Riyaaz Gratitude, 2017
2 min readJan 12, 2016

Have you heard about Tim Kreider? Tim Kreider almost got stabbed in his throat. The knife went inside 2 mm into his cartorid artery but he survived. But he survived and made full recovery. And guess what, Tim claims that it was the best thing to happen to him.

Why? Because for the next one year, he found it impossible to be unhappy. This is the power of gratitude. Gratitude is the secret to happiness.

While every year I’ve had a dozen things to be grateful, 2015 was special. It was the year that would decide the direction of my career path, the year that would pretty much mark the end of my undergraduate journey and the year I meet a lot of special people that become very close in a short span of time.

The past 3 years of my undergraduate have just been a whirlwind, rushing through the semesters, the lectures, assignments and exams. As I look back in retrospect the moments that I felt were trivial and a digression from the big things are what I remember fondly. These moments are the evenings in DH1 and DH2 waiting for your Rollu ka Dhaba orders to come in, the cups of tea at A1 coffee and glasses of banana shakes in between back to back lectures, it is the nights spent preparing a big FACTion quiz, or the horsing around that happened in the computer labs. It is the late night walks in the moonlit SNU campus, lounging about in the Georgia cafe chatting with anyone who enters, the nights spent playing Counter Strike or conducting a CineU Critique event. The birthdays in the hostel hallways.

Today I officially began my 8th and final semester at SNU, the campus is barely recognizable from what it was back in August 2012. My hostel floor is mostly empty, my Snapchat is filled with stories of Day #1 at the office, I have no classes or lectures to attend. Thank you SNU, for a lifetime of memories.

