C you again sweet heart.

Sundara Rajan
Daily Riyaaz Gratitude, 2017
3 min readJan 15, 2016

Everyday I walk for 4 [2+2] kilometers to reach my office. I have the option to walk for half the distance, and then travel by bus. But I wouldn’t. “In this age, if I feel lazy to walk for a kilometer, then what will happen when I grow old? I might even feel lazy to move from my chair” — I think. So I walk.

9:00 am.: This fine morning, I leave my PG on time. I started walking. No tension No BP.

9:05 am.: No tension No BP.

9:10 am.: No tension No BP.

9:15 am.: No tension No BP.

9:20 am.: Successfully reached the first half. There was a bus in the bus stop and it was about to leave. Seeing it move, people near me rushed to get into the bus. There was this girl walking in front of me, who also seemed to have decided not to take the bus. She turned and looked back. She saw me walking briskly. I guess she thought I wanted to board the bus. So she moved closer to the bus, and the driver stopped. I thought something might have changed her mind, and she now wanted to take the bus.

Nope. There came a twist. She was saying something to the bus conductor while slowly pointing at me. And the conductor asked me to walk fast and get into the bus. Some people sitting on the window seat showed hand gestures, asking me to get into the bus quickly.

9:21 am.: I had now no other choice, I had to board the bus. As I boarded, I looked at the girl. She smiled at me, thinking that she has helped me to get into the bus. Then the driver says something to me. In fact I think he was scolding me for not rushing like the others did.

Seriously? No I mean, Seriously? Did I ask you to stop the bus.

9:22 am.: My poor memory. It works sporadically. Sometimes I wouldn’t carry money while going to office, in a way, forcing myself to walk instead of taking the bus. And today was that “someday”. I realized that I didn’t carry money. Tension increased. Thinking about that girl, BP raised. I just hoped that the conductor doesn’t ask me for a ticket, or I was to say that my friend over there got a ticket for me.

9:23 am.: Conductor is standing far away from me. I started calculating. Ahh…my maths skills. Comes in handy when needed. I get his rate of issuing tickets, rate at which he is moving, etc. Calculations seemed that he wouldn’t come to me before my stop comes. Tension increased. Thinking about that girl, BP raised.

9:24 am.: He was quick. My calculations seemed wrong. I panicked. Tension increased. Thinking about that girl, BP raised.

9:25 am.: I thought of an idea. I asked the conductor to tell the driver to stop the bus immediately. He told me to wait for few more minutes, and I can get down at the stop.

9:26 am.: I was the next person to be issued a ticket. Tension at peak. Thinking about that girl, BP at peak. I walked across the bus, and asked the driver this time. He stopped. But he did scold me again. But who cares? He stopped the bus, and I came out without getting a ticket.

9:27 am.: I walked to my office. It was very close though. I usually reach at around 9:40 by walk.

9:28 am.: I reached my work station-1st floor. No tension. Thinking about that girl, BP was still at peak.

9:29 am.: I open my mailbox and I see a meeting scheduled at 9:30 with the HR. I actually forgot that I had a meeting. My poor memory. It works sporadically. Wait, did I tell you this before? Ya…I guess so.

9:30 am.: On time. 8th floor. Very important meeting.

9:30 pm.: I sit and think. What would have happened if I had walked. I would have gone late. HR would have thought I was on leave, and he would have gone back. I then would have had to write sorry mails for not turning up.

I wanted to thank her. I then remembered smiling back at her while I was boarding the bus. I paid my gratitude to her with a smile.

C you again sweet heart.

