College placements and the pensive bus journey

Kartik Prakash
Daily Riyaaz Gratitude, 2017
3 min readJan 5, 2017

If you happened to be commuting in the evening yesterday through Lalbagh fort road,one among the many “traffic horror” stretches in Bangalore, you might have probably come across a bus like this.

Not the actual photo

You would have even cursed and honked at the bus endlessly for occupying most of the space in the narrow lanes. If that’s the case, be rest assured that no one inside gave a damn, for they were too concerned about their biggest problem at hand- the college placements.

Those who have already been through the grind will say placements are a test of patience, knowledge, skills etc. etc. However for us in Christ University, Kengeri campus its much more than that.

As the placements are centralized with the main campus, we need to travel some 25 odd kilometers early morning in a private travels bus (arranged by the college). And hence there are additional set of challenges associated with it. Such as waking up early in the morning and getting your bowels cleaned-The biggest challenge for me. Or, trying to get some sleep in a bus which will even make a government bus appear like a Volvo multi-axle.

My favorite part is the return journey after the process. The reason- there is a sea of varying emotions within the bus like a cocktail of happiness, rejection, anxiety, failure and even indifference.

Take for instance yesterday, the girl sitting in the front was the most happiest of the lot. Probably the happiest I've ever seen her in these two years. She had just got placed in an American cloud computing company where the salary-already a good one-will be doubled on confirmation after one year. Apart from that, the candidates also get to go on an all expenses paid trip to abroad.

Sitting next to me was my friend, Karnica. She was relaxed as her interview result was only due next week. There were people for whom it was the 12th or 13th process to no success. Some among them were very good- but the lady luck was yet to shine on them. James, my friend and roomie for whom its mandatory to have lunch at polamma’s, an andhra mess, in his every visit to main campus. There were also few who were too tired to give a damn and preferred to sleep.

And here was I listening to a playlist comprising of Pink Floyd, Queen’s, A.R Rahman, Santosh Narayanan and Ghulam Ali’s songs. Probably somewhere along (unknowingly, of course)I entered this period of pure bliss where everything in life seemed perfect. I was willing to take on each and every challenge come what may. The level of positivity in me would have even put Goku’s super saiyan power level to shame.

The period of bliss which might have started somewhere in the crowded by lanes of K.R Market ended precisely as we reached our college in Kanmanike.

Reality sank in and I headed to the opposite bakery shop to have my daily fix of tea and smoke.

