How to live

Daily Riyaaz Gratitude, 2017
2 min readJan 13, 2016

How to live? If I ask that aloud there will be a rush of answers some that I have grown up hearing, seeing and not complying. There is an age set to be grown up, milestones are marked with events such as marriage and childbirth: the idea is that if you go through these rites of passage when you are asked or made to then chances are that you won’t have to ask “how to live;” you will have your answers in what each responsibility directs you to do at that moment, and you can do so without thinking. You will save; you will buy a house; you will get a bigger house if the family needs it; you will look ahead and invest in your future because you are not alone. But what if you are.

What if you have made sure that no one “bugs you” to do anything you don’t want to, and to that extent how you live is exactly how you would like to live. Then the thing that happens is that you have to expend thought on choices you make about how to live. And the best thing about that is you can figure what your milestones of changing paradigms can be.

Today I employed someone to stay in the house full time to look after my living and being. Entrusting myself to the care of another may not be the easiest thing for me to do but I have figured it needs to be done. I also, for the first time in my life, got bank paper work together to submit for “tax saving.” To top it all, I “invested” in “savings towards my future.” I should stop before I stop recognizing myself altogether!

(Maybe belatedly by most people’s standards but) I feel more grown up than I have ever felt before!

