On discussions, debates and ego

Kartik Prakash
Daily Riyaaz Gratitude, 2017
2 min readJan 24, 2017

My feelings are always on the extreme side i.e either I am attached or detached. There is never a middle ground. In most of the cases I am detached as it helps me let go certain things which don’t last long.

The Pro Jallikattu agitation was something I felt for when I saw Takkaru Takkuru video song (by hip-hop tamizha) sometime around December. I also did some research and cross checked about its authenticity with few of my Tamil friends who had seen the sport.

Considering the media coverage it has received, I guess most of you already know about the issue. Those who do not know and are unplaced like me, I urge you do some basic research about it. For it might end up as your GD topic, where some passionate Tamilians might come hard on those making an uninformed comment.

Few days back, a similar thing happened to one of my classmate. He had posted an FB status supporting the ban imposed by Supreme Court. There was a backlash within no time

I felt the following reasons caused it :

  1. He tried to compare the sport with the practice of Sati.
  2. The timing- there was anger among people due to lack of media coverage then, despite huge protests.
  3. He was an outsider.

Even I was among those who commented on the post, but I tried to keep the tone straightforward. But then they were only few who did that, most of the comments were downright rude. It was also not helping that some people were posting sarcastic comments on the issue and the sport. I looked at all the comments, the likes each for and against ones received, and the people who liked them (I was too jobless). It gave me an impression that there was a feeling of Us vs Them among the people. So much for unity and diversity.

I myself had a back and forth argument going on with one of my senior, and we never arrived at a consensus. Why? because both of us had huge egos.

I’ve observed in most such cases that your ego takes over your reasoning and humility. You don’t want to back down until the other party concedes defeat or stops responding.

Its good to stand one’s ground. But its bad being an egoistic person. And there is only a thin line dividing the two.

You decide which side of the line you want to be.

