People who will help

Daily Riyaaz Gratitude, 2017
1 min readJan 12, 2016

I am useless with money. I am not proud about it, but I am beginning to accept it as one accepts a misshapen nose on one’s face. I have never made a budget for anything, so the very thought of making the budget for a major international conference was giving me cold feet. So I conveniently put it off (while working on making the “major” and “international” part of the conference happen). Turned out it could not be put off any longer. So I sat down today to confront my fears and horrors. Fortunately lots of people chipped in and helped: colleagues, administrative staff, students. From figuring out rates for various things to painstakingly adding up all the numbers and re-checking them, folks just made it happen. And what a pretty looking budget it is!

