The library that I found!!!

Vignesh Kumar
Daily Riyaaz Gratitude, 2017
1 min readJan 2, 2017

Hey!! What’s up??

Do you know what happened??

You should listen to this. I was born in a time when television was popular. I grew with Television. And had crazy fights with my sis 😅. I went through decent schools. None in my friend circle actually read. We used to have intense discussions on Pokémon, bayblade and of course Dragon ball Z. I am pretty sure we discussed no books ever. Seems like a sad story, No book so no perspective huh!!! Well! Not really. Then, I found this library. It was amazing that, now I could not imagine a day without this library. Information I got from here changed my career and most importantly my perspective of life. I could not explain how important the finding was, to my life and how thankful I am. It is not far from your place.You should sometime visit and check what you can get there. Just search YOUTUBE!!! on your map.

