Time and money

Aadithya Viswanath
Daily Riyaaz Gratitude, 2017
1 min readJan 27, 2017

The past few weeks have been crazy. Getting used to a strict schedule was tough but now when I seem to have gotten used to it, so much is changing around. And it is when you get to know that a cousin (of same age) is getting married, things seem to not just flow by with ease. A sudden panic starts to clinch the gut and one hears the clock laugh with every ticking second, mumbling, “you are getting old”.

Few months back I had plenty of time but no money. Now I earn, sufficiently, but don’t have the time to take a holiday, or travel back home. Makes one realize how time and money are inversely proportional! I wish, before the laughter of the clocks becomes more louder, I get some time, to live life and write more frequently.

