Trivialities of Life #DRG17
Every now and then, we all go through this set of emotions I like to call ‘the future panic attack’. What am I doing with my life? Where am I headed? Will I get a job? What will happen next? What does my future hold for me?…and the questions are endless.
Scrolling through my news feed, I realize how trivial this panic attack is. I am sitting in the comfort of my bed, in a nice apartment in DC worrying over a future?! One news article on Syria later, I thank my stars for the existence of this future to worry about at all. I could not be more grateful for the life I have been given and lead.
We tend to get so caught up in our own trivialities that we forget to appreciate the things we have and the things around us. Ranjit gives us this opportunity to be thankful and appreciate all that is and for that I am grateful. For making me realize the importance and value of what I may take for granted.