Happy Ever After? Show Your Paycheck to Your Partner

Tom F.
Daily Shipment
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2023
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Did you know only every second American is telling their spouse about their actual income?

Moreover, money issues are a major reason couples get into fights — leading to money being the reason number two for divorce in the U.S. (right after infidelity.)

Here’s how to use money as an ally in your partnership:

Time for show-off

Sounds intimidating, as for most people personal income is directly tied to perceptions of self-worth. Swallow it up, get your most recent paycheck and show it to your spouse.

Where do you want to go?

After revealing your potential, keep on sharing your insights. What are your life goals/dreams/hopes for the future that are tied to your finances:

  • Would you like to live in a house you own soon?
  • Do you want to start a company and be your own boss?
  • Do you dream of retiring early and traveling the world in your fifties?

How do you get there?

Find strategies for how you can follow your dreams supported by your finances — like putting money aside from now on to save for your house’s down payment. Chances are you may not have the same dreams for the future — would you compromise on some of them to help your partner achieve theirs?

A stable financial future that makes both partners happy requires full information in the first place — don’t be afraid to share as it will bring you closer to your goals.

And live happily ever after.

This is #2 of 30 Atomic Essays I’m going to write through the Ship30for30 writing course. Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Tom F.
Daily Shipment

Engineer | SEO Writer | Dad of a GenAlpha Kiddo | Talking about Digital Parenting, Millennial Finance and the Power of Writing.