David Describing Prayer

Marvin McKenzie
Daily Visit With God
2 min readJul 27, 2018


Psalms 5:1–2 (KJV)
Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation.Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.

David describes his prayer has containing three parts:

His words
Prayer is obviously an expression communicated through words. Though sometimes those words cannot be uttered they are nevertheless spoken in the heart and through the Spirit of God.

His meditation
Effectual prayer would imply and necessitate thought. Prayer is much more than babbling whatever comes to mind. It has forethought, planning and meditation attached. The word Meditation reminds us that this thought will be upon the Word of God. Prayer is born from, guided by and supported upon the Bible.

His cry
This implies the fervency of prayer. It is delivered from a broken heart. It is spilled out in desperate need. It is based upon the humble realization of our own inability.

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Psalms 5:1–2 (KJV) David Describing Prayer

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Marvin McKenzie
Daily Visit With God

Pastor, self published Amazon Author, avid student of the Bible. teacher of the Word of God in college level . Daily visit with God www.marvinmckenzie.org