Doing Without

Marvin McKenzie
Daily Visit With God
2 min readSep 10, 2021


2 Chronicles 15:3 (KJV)

Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.

Israel was the northern kingdom. The Lord was giving to Asa, the king of Judah, the southern kingdom, a contrast. Through the prophet God judged the condition of that northern group

  • They were without God
  • They were without the teaching priest
  • They were without the law (of God)

I imagine the king of Israel would have protested that. I imagine most of the people of Israel would have protested.

But it was the truth. It was why God had not blessed Israel. And it was why the king of Israel had to build a city to prevent his people from defecting.

Israel, the northern kingdom, bluffed their way through centuries. They appeared to be large and robust. But they were cursed. I think it compares to, say, Communist Russia and those other nations behind the iron curtain. They attempted to present a strong front, but their citizens wanted out, and, eventually, their system failed.

Will the same happen to Communist China?

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2 Chronicles 15:3 (KJV) Doing Without



Marvin McKenzie
Daily Visit With God

Pastor, self published Amazon Author, avid student of the Bible. teacher of the Word of God in college level . Daily visit with God