year 2016, week 43.

Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2016




Another early morning. The last morning. We decided to stay close to camp and try our luck there. Here is what we found.

Antelope. Lots of them. And a coyote doing his best to separate one from the others. Nature was on display as the sun rose and filled the valley with light and warmth. As in the cartoon, the coyote was not sucessful.

We ventured around a bit more. Spotted some wild turkeys as they took a morning drink from a holding tank. As well as some deer at another holding tank.

The holding tanks look like natural ponds but were created when most likely a rancher built a berm in an arroyo. They are there for cattle, which graze most of the public lands in the area. A practice that has been in use for a long while and recently was in the public eye with the Bundy’s.

After a morning of not finding elk we quickly broke down camp and headed home. Hearts and minds a buzz from nature. But without a tag filled.


Clean up the truck. Wash the dust off. Vacuum the pine needles. Get a haircut. Shave the overgrown beard. Back to society.


I am editing through my photos from the hunt this morning while my daughter and I wait for the Natural History Museum to open. I am thankful that I get to take a day and spend it with her. Being away for days was rough. She did great, but missed me. Time is something you can’t take back so make the best of it while you have it.

I look forward to camping with my family at this lake next summer. My wife used to come here when she was young and I would like my daughter to have the chance to share that experience.



Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.

A husband, father, son, civil designer, photographer, and writer. Living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.