year 2017, week 01.

Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2017


If you’ve read any of my last articles here on Daily, Weekly. you will notice that the title of this is a bit different. I got rid of putting the title of the publication in the article because it just make sense. When I started these I didn't have a publication. Progress. Change. I might go back and fix the other titles to make it consistent, time will tell though.

I finished Fire on the Mountain tonight. It sure was a good book and I can’t wait to crack open Desert Solitaire next.


Last week I said I wanted to write about my 2016 books. Well today that story was published over on Vantage. Go check it out.

Reading Edward Abbey is some amazing inspiration. To my writing and photography equally. His words are very pictorial and because they are about a place I know so well I have been thinking of some new projects I want to work on.

But first I really need to apply myself to my still undisclosed project. I had my friends look over the first round of images and they gave me some great feedback on what I could do to add to the project. I was hoping for winter to come so I could get some photographs with differing weather, but it is still 50 degrees here in Albuquerque. No so, not even in the shade of the sage brush and piñon. Maybe I will have a chance late this month or next.




Last night I received my proof for my first book of 2017. Wow, did I ever fail. The combination of a new book format, using a different software, and a lack of a definite vision was disastrous.

I hung my head for a bit, but then I had to put my kid to sleep. During the bed time routine I was getting a headache from the different thoughts on what to do. Some things were easy. In the software I needed to turn on the trim lines and use my proof as a guide of what not to do. The vision of the book then came to me. I had laid out the photos okay, but the text really felt too much like a text book talking about what I wanted to do. Instead I need to work on a layout that is what I want to do.

This is a learning process. This is fun. I need to ride the wave of enthusiasm I have when holding even the shitty proof in my hands.


A snow day from work was all I needed to rework the book and order the final proof.

Yesterday the high was 56 degrees and I didnt even have a jacket on. This morning Albuquerque woke up to an inch of snow with a half inch of ice under it. Winter is here.

Hopefully anyway. That is the funny thing about the winter in Albuquerque, it is never predictable.

Hopefully in a week or so I will be able to share the new book. This year I plan to share the process and the end result a lot more in hopes to find like minded people to work with.



Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.

A husband, father, son, civil designer, photographer, and writer. Living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.