year 2017, week 28.

Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2017

One year of writing daily, posting weekly.


Wow a whole year of Daily, Weekly. Back when I started this I had hopes to reach this milestone, but no real expectations. Well fucking hell, here we are. Little did I know I was such a bad ass. Ha!

But really, little did I know how much would’ve changed. My daughter is about to start kindergarten and I have a little boy on the way. My photography has gone through some serious ups and downs. My writing has gone through changes too but I do need to dive deeper like I started too.

To reset the compass I want to share a bit from my preface last year:

I have something to say. I know this now. What that something is, well that is the journey. I often find myself thinking about life in a very elevated way and think that writing it down and putting it out there will help me find the clear message.


Is photography really a language of it’s own? Or is it just a visual interpretation of the audible language we already speak? Maybe it is both.


Lets build something. You grab a shovel, I’ll grab some gas. It’ll be great!

I wrote that before I started reading Edward Abbey believe it or not. It was written during a time when I was just looking at photos in my archive and writing my thoughts. I might start to do that again, it was a pretty interesting exercise. Maybe day a week here I will share.


Why is it so hard for me to get myself moving on my art? This is such a struggle this year. I take my work only so far and then move on. I think it is because deep down I just feel like no one else cares about the same subject matter as I do. Even though I know that is total bullshit I just can’t get past it. There is a grant I have been meaning to apply to and I haven’t even printed out the paperwork. I really don’t want the deadline to come and go and I just act like I didn’t have enough time. I have time. It is balls and confidence I am lacking.


After writing yesterdays post I promptly got off my ass and began to do something about my “problems”. Now I will find out if I can get a submittal together for a grant by the end of the month. It will be tough, especially because the person I am collaborating with is out of town until 5 days before the deadline.

I also got a message from a photographer I follow about collaborating on some kind of output for work we both have done. We both have projects on the same subject that have just sat on our websites. I am excited to see what comes of that collaboration.



Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.

A husband, father, son, civil designer, photographer, and writer. Living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.