year 2017, week 29.

Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2017

... monsoon

Monsoon over Albuquerque, NM.


Grant writing? Is that what this is called? I don’t know. But damn it is difficult. To both write about what the project is about and plan out all what “might be” if I can get it all lined up is hard. And then the fact that my collaborator is out of town for the month and time is ever more crucial.

The project I am hoping to get funding for is We Are Neighbors. It is a project I photographed for several years before even considering an output for it. Then as I was working on a book layout I mentioned to a poet friend that some poetry might be a cool addition. A year later he handed me 20 poems to go in the book. I laid them into the mock up I was working on and it sat for another year or so. Needless to say, it is a long term project that I has slowly progressed as the years have gone by.

Although I haven’t really touched this project in a while, I have refined my vision for it through the following projects I did. Now I think I can approach this work with a steady vision and make sure it looks right through that lens.


Having a vision for a specific project or just my work in general has not helped in writing about it in the grant application. I mean, I know what I want it to be but to explain that AND why it is important AND what it is in general is tough. Especially with word count limits.

But I need to attempt this. I need to exercise this muscle so that even after I fail at getting it submitted, I know for next year what I need to bring to the table and to start earlier. Much earlier.


Zero to sixty in two days. That might sound slow if I was talking about a car but I’m not. I’m talking about my photography projects. The grant application is still hard but it is progressing. And another collaboration project has come up and looks promising.

The thing I have to take advantage of with collaborative projects are the other people. Not take advantage of them but just the fact that I am not alone on the journey. The people collaborating with me have the same end goal (in both of my current projects they even exceed my end goal)!




I just need to breath and relax. So much is going on right now I am trying to keep it all straight. But I’ve asked for most of it and for those things I am grateful. But I didn’t ask my day job to throw in numerous deadlines and muck it all up.



Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.

A husband, father, son, civil designer, photographer, and writer. Living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.