year 2017, week 30.

Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2017

… and breath

A ray of light from a sunset on some forest road in northern New Mexico.


I see a light at the end of this tunnel. Or tunnels as it may be. Both of my applications are done. As done as I can do. If I edit it any more I will probably ruin any magic that they have in them.

How did I get to this point? I was worried about getting one application done and I somehow turned out two compelling applications. I do want one to get approved over the other. I know I wont get both. But if the one I want is rejected and the other wins it would be a nice surprise.

I will know by September 1. I will also be a father for a second time by then or at least very close to that point.






I am sure glad I got my grant submittal in during the wee hours of Tuesday and that I didn’t wait until that afternoon. Shit was hitting the fan all day long on Tuesday and by 7pm I was toast. Then I think Wednesday happened. I mean it must have because it is now Thursday. Unless I fell through a time warp.

Now I am moving forward on my two collaboration projects. I think I have a good idea for the one that the grant will fund. That project is a bit more traditional in some ways which makes the book format easier. But we also have some unique aspects to the project that will (maybe) result in a second format.

The other collaboration project is wide open at this point. I want to do something unique with the book because we are working on a unique gallery show. Once we get a firm plan we will have to find a gallery, but Albuquerque will come through. I am sure of that.


It is weeks like this that could easily derail my creativity. Managing all the stress form that comes with a combination of family and work issues often just weights me down mentally. Although I didn’t write two days this week I still bounced back and am continuing this process.

I could be because I am collaborating and have to meet other people’s expectations. Or at least the expectations I have for myself for the work we are doing together.

But it is almost the weekend and I can begin to breath and take it all in for a little bit.



Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.

A husband, father, son, civil designer, photographer, and writer. Living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.