year 2017, week 31.

Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2017

another week down.


I have been spending my down time researching some zines. I’m looking for inspiration and ideas for the collaboration . Wow, what a rabbit hole. For the book/zine I am doing with a local photographer I am narrowed into one size from MagCloud. That has helped me explore design concepts because how we are going to tell our story in the publication is still eluding me.

The other project is much more polished. It isn’t a zine but a more polished traditional book so I will be using Blurb (maybe). I am currently planning two sizes, one for their coffee table or book shelf and one for their laptop bag or glove box. One person might buy both but they will have a lot of the same content and will really have different audiences.


After thinking about books and zines again last night I started to think about making my own books. Most likely I would be getting the printing done by someone I know and then binding them myself. I’d love to know how to stitch them myself but I could definitely staple them myself.

What a rabbit hole that would be.

I have access to a large format printer at work. It only does black and white “engineering” prints, but I bet I could make something work out of that.

One thing at a time though. Or in my case, three or four things at a time.


I think Wednesday’s will be a good day to post a photo (new or old) and write about it. So here it goes.

My daughter is about to make it past a huge life milestone. Entering Kindergarten. I don’t remember when my childhood well enough to remember this milestone. My memory is funny because I remember events and stories told about me instead of things in a timeline. But I want my daughter to have a different experience. Or at least a visual record of her childhood. I’m not talking on Facebook or Instagram either. One day I will sit down and start a book of her life. A book I hope I don’t finish. I hope she writes in it well past my days here.


This collaborating thing is pretty awesome. Maybe I am just lucky in who I am collaborating with because when I feel like I am slacking or dropping the ball on one part of the puzzle the other person is filling it in. It really is fun to see it happen.


I am not sure if I am mentally prepared for the reality that I am going to have another kid sometime in the next few weeks. I may have the house prepared. I have been to plenty of doctor visits. Seen many scans.

But I haven’t had that sinking realization of change yet. Maybe I wont. I probably will. But maybe I wont. Time will tell.



Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.

A husband, father, son, civil designer, photographer, and writer. Living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.