year 2017, week 34.

Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2017

back at it


Today I am back at work. Little time for this until I get adjusted into the new swing of things. I miss my kid. I miss the time I got to spend at home. But I am excited to get to work. As stressful as my job is I do enjoy it.


The days I spend away from designing books from my photography I spend thinking about the design. Working on concepts mentally and discarding the broken ones. I have some new ideas for some projects I thought I had a handle on. And am still drawing a blank on others I need to work on.

Photography is starting to become a low priority in my life and I can feel it. It isn’t a good feeling. Kind of like a broken pinkie, you don’t think it will be a big deal until you try to zip your pants in the morning.


There are a few things that are uniquely Albuquerque. Turquoise is one of those things for me. Not the stone but the paint color. I love it. And I love seeing it splattered across my city.


I am running on just a few hours of sleep a night over the past two and a half weeks. Writing is becoming increasingly difficult. It takes most of my energy to get work done. Then I go home and the work continues until I pass out in my daughters bed while reading her bedtime stories. Then she wakes me up and kicks me out because I snore. Then the baby needs a diaper change, feeding, another diaper change, and finally sleep. For an hour or two.

But there is an end to this. I know because my 5 year old sleeps through the night. I just can’t remember when that happened.


Unfortunately however, your proposal was not among those the jurors selected to receive funding.

As expected I didn’t get the grant money. But I applied and put myself out there which was a big step especially in the mindset I was in at the time.

I was never asking for permission to do my work. To print my book. To create. So I don’t take the lack of funding as anything else but a deviation in the plan. The project with Hakim is moving forward because of the momentum we built in the application process. It might be a smaller run of books, a smaller gallery show, etc. But time will tell. 2018 is still on track to be full of art projects being released.



Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.

A husband, father, son, civil designer, photographer, and writer. Living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.