year 2017, week 40

Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2017

moving on


The air quality book is ordered and should arrive in a couple weeks. Blurb has been getting them out faster so fingers crossed.

Now back to my collaboration projects. It is hard to stay focused on them because they are so big and each milestone reached feels like completion. But that isn’t the case at all. Finalized the sequence but I still need to finish editing and getting final images together. Then to put the book together. Write the intro. All of that times 2 because I have 2 going. And I still need to come up with a name for one of them.

Lots of work to do. When all that is done then the leg work of actually getting gallery space and shows scheduled. But the time frame is spring of 2018. It will keep me busy for the winter for sure.


What I need is a list of short term goals. That will stop me from being distracted with other projects or ideas. Waiting for books to arrive I always want to start the next one. The Air Quality project is still just beginning and it is going to be a long time before I start the next phase (maybe). So what is in front of me now?

I have to find some time to get out into the desert with my truck. Just a day spent driving dirt roads will help me. I spent all summer working on stuff at home and getting ready for the new kid. Now we are into Balloon Fiesta, then Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and finally Christmas and New Years. It will be too cold in a few weeks so now is the time to go.

Photography can sit on the sideline for a weekend. At least “new” work.


In honor of International Day of the Girl I want to write about my daughter. I have heard it said “if you want to raise a strong woman you had better be ready to support a strong girl.” Or something like that. And it is true, it takes a LOT of patience. I hope that I am a strong enough of a man to raise my daughter to be a strong woman.


The two books ordered have been printed and shipped. I was surprised to see one coming from Washington state and the other from Tennessee. Because it is all faster than I expected I will try to hold back on stalking the tracking. But I am sure that wont really happen.

On Tuesday I talked about setting my work aside. Less than 24 hours of that mental freedom and I have an idea of what I need to do next. It is to sort out my past projects on the environment and write about them. Make a literary statement that encompasses where I am photographically. It is a big undertaking. But spending time writing will be good. Writing is something that when I fall into a groove I love and I am pretty sure I can find a groove with this topic.


Of course I am stalking my books as they make their way to Albuquerque even though I said I wouldn’t.

Tonight I will spend some time with my family at the Balloon Fiesta. That will help distract me. Then a corn maze sometime this weekend. And since my wife doesn’t want to go see Blade Runner, I will have to find some time when the kids are asleep and go catch a showing.



Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.

A husband, father, son, civil designer, photographer, and writer. Living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.