year 2018, week 18.

Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2018

Pause Update #1 (not a full return to situation normal…yet)


What the hell have I been doing since putting Daily,Weekly on pause? Back in October I had a few plans and here May is tomorrow and my plans are still hard to discern.

I’ve finished my We Are Neighbors book collaboration, found 10 founders to fund a printing, and am about to host a party and give them their books. We also have a 6x9 trade book version that we will launch with a gallery show or something next. This project has been a long time coming and it feels surreal to hold the finished book in my hands. And the prints I had done look spectacular as well.

My other collaboration project called Arroyoland has somewhat stalled. With me focusing on We Are Neighbors and Tyler focusing on his other work we both have dedicated little time to the project. We are also finding it hard to get a space to show the work. The zine is all but printed and the photos all but framed. So if we found a place that would take us we could ready quick. Albuquerque is just hard to break into.

My Albuquerque book is coming together. I have most of the stories typed up and a first edit done on them. The actual book layout is forming in my mind. I just need the final push on that to get a first draft book in my hands.

In preparation for the Albuquerque book I put together two books from work I made while on a family vacation in San Diego. I tested out design elements in those books that I hope to use in my Albuquerque book.

Everything is a process and making one book to figure out another is a process that works well for me.


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During my break I did post a few articles on Medium. It felt good to get back here and write about my photos.

The one thing I didn’t do is get more patrons. I am thinking I need to invest time for that. Take an evening a week and make “office hours” somewhere. That would give me a chance to meet people, show them my books, talk about them, and twist their arm a bit. I still have to convince myself that it is worth the time away from my family.


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So in summation, I guess I did a lot but still didn’t do enough. More new work is on the board and new collaborations in the works. This is all good news for Daily, Weekly. I plan to get back to writing more as I think it will help with my short stories for my Albuquerque book and thought processes for my photos in general. Stay tuned.



Justin Thor Simenson
Daily, Weekly.

A husband, father, son, civil designer, photographer, and writer. Living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.