Day 9: Why Baby Steps will Help You Reach Your Writing Goal
Are you trying to write every day?
Are you finding it difficult AF?
Maybe it’s not your motivation that’s messing with you. Maybe it’s how big your goal is.
When I started with the goal of writing every day for a month, I didn’t set a word count goal. And today, I wrote 380 words for an outline of an upcoming eBook.
I set a tiny goal of just simply writing every day.
I did miss a couple of days so far, but I’m 7 for 9, and that’s a bigger accomplishment then trying to come up with a number to achieve.
Because when you try to come up with a number, you end up breaking it down to how many words to write on average. And that’s gonna mess with your mind.
If you wanted to write 50,000 words in a month, you have to average 1,667 words each day. You’re going to have days where you can’t simply do that. Trust me. You will have a WTF day.
And you’ll feel miserable.
So think of a smaller goal. Think of something that is a bit more reachable. Like writing every day.
Then break it down even further. Write for 10 minutes every day for a month. See how small that is? You could have days of writing a lot or a little.
But you know what? YOU WROTE.
So, keep that in mind as you try to write every day. Baby steps.
See you tomorrow.