I am Going to Write Everyday on Medium for a Month

Renayle Fink
Daily Writing Challenge: April 2019
2 min readApr 2, 2019

Hi there. Sorry I haven't been on here for a while. I hope I didn’t leave you hanging.

Anyways, let’s get to the post.

Happy April! I hope you didn’t get pranked too badly today.

Photo by krystina rogers on Unsplash

We are in a new month. And for the Northern Hemisphere, we are looking at warmer weather. I love April because it means a complete shift from the snow and cold. Yes, it does rain quite a bit and gets windy here in Chicago, but at the same time we can get peeks of the sun and warmth and it makes me happy.

It’s also baseball season, and that means warm weather to me automatically. #letsgowhitesox

Anyways, I also feel that this warm weather is a rebirth. We’re coming out of our cocoon. We feel alive. And what better way to celebrate than by doing something intense, like writing every single day here on Medium?

So I made April my daily writing challenge month.

I do have a blog (which you should totally sign up for because it’s awesome), but I only post weekly, and it’s usually focused on making your writing better. There’s something about writing daily that I enjoy. It’s about showing you my inner thoughts as I am making my way to being a freelance writer.

What will I write about? I will be tracking my progress when it comes to pitching guest posts, writing my novel, and any other random project I have floating in my head.

Now why in the world would I want to do this? Three things:

1: I need a challenge. It feels crazy and scary and good to be pressured.

2: I purposely made my content calendar to have a daily writing challenge in April and November (for NaNoWriMo), so I might as well stick with it.

3: I’m crazy.

So come and see what I’ll be writing each day. It might be short, or it might be lengthy.

But it’s gonna be fun.

