k9s — Kubernetes UI in Terminal | If You Like VIM You Will Love This

Bibin Wilson
DevOps Learners
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2021
kubectl productivity with k9

In one of the kubernetes tips, we have seen kubectx & kubens to increase the productivity of Kubectl usage when working with multiple clusters.

But, if you are a fan of VIM and you like terminal a lot, you will love k9s.

k9s is an open-source project which connects to the kubernetes cluster and shows all the information in the terminal in a nice format.

Try k9s: https://github.com/derailed/k9s

It is available for MAC, Linux, and windows and very easy to get started.

To start k9s, execute


In few seconds it will open the Terminal UI

  1. Press ESC button to enter commands.
  2. You can list namespace using namespaces command
  3. You can select a namespace using the up and down arrow keys + enter keys

Here is a gif showing the k9s terminal UI operations.

