Dot notation vs Bracket notation

Samantha Ming
Published in
4 min readJun 17, 2019


CodeTidbit by

Both notations can access object properties. But the question is often which one should I use 🤔. Wonder no more, just follow Airbnb’s style guide. Always use Dot. And when you want to access object property with a variable, use Bracket 👍

// Dot notation vs Bracket notationconst variable = 'cookie';const snack = {
cookie: '🍪'
// ✅ Dot: access property
// ✅ Bracket: access property with variable

Accessing Object Properties

There are 2 ways to access object properties. Dot and Bracket.

const obj = {
name: 'value'
// Dot Notation; // 'value'
// Bracket Notation
obj['name']; // 'value'

Dot Notation for the win

I remember when I was first learning this. Understanding the 2 different ways was simple. Nothing too complicated. But my concern was never about the different notations. My biggest dilemma was, WHICH SHOULD I USE?? 🤯

If you were like me! Here’s the breakdown. They both do the same. So here is the simple rule. By default, just use the Dot notation.



Samantha Ming

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