ES6 Arrow Functions Cheatsheet

Samantha Ming
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2019


Code Tidbit by

Here’s a cheatsheet to show you the many ways to write your arrow functions.

// Explicit Return, Multi-Line
a => {
return a
// Explicit Return, Single-Line
a => { return a }
// Implicit Return, Multi-line
a => (
// Implicit Return, Single-Line
a => a
// Multiple Parameters, Parentheses Required
(a, b) => a, b

Implicit vs Explicit Return

We have several ways of writing our arrow functions. This is because arrow functions can have either “implied return” or “explicit return” keyword.

With normal functions, if you want to return something, you have to use the return keyword. Arrow functions also have that. When you use the return keyword, it's called an explicit return. However, arrow functions up their game and allow something called implied return where the return keyword can be skipped. Let's look at some examples 🤓:

Example A: Normal Function

const sayHi = function(name) {
return name

Example B: Arrow Function with Explicit Return

// Multi-line
const sayHi = (name) => {
return name
// Single-line



Samantha Ming

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