A Development Journal and Retrospective

How I Built My First MERN Stack App in a Week

A look into my process for building with the MERN Stack for the first time

Martin Beck
Published in
8 min readSep 15, 2020


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I’m no stranger to learning and creating on the fly, in fact, I think it’s when I learn best. I decided it was time I ventured out and used a tech stack I haven’t used before. I decided to create my first web app with the MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js (MERN) stack.

I really wanted to work with a NoSQL database like MongoDB and learn how to create RESTful APIs with Node.js, so it was the perfect fit. Bouncing between a couple of ideas to implement, I recalled a conversation I had with a friend and settled on creating a simple inventory management system. What I ended up with over the past week was a simple web application, an understanding of creating REST APIs, and an understanding of what goes into creating a full-stack application.

This article details my journey to create my first MERN stack web app. If you want to play around with my app or check it out before reading on it’s available here, it’s deployed on free tier so it may or may not be available at the time you use it. If you want to check out my Github repo containing my code it’s available here.



Martin Beck

Optimistic technologist hoping to create positive change and not the accidental downfall of society. Cloud Engineer, M.S.