How to Build and Deploy a Full-Stack React-App

Complement your React-app with Express.js and DynamoDB

Frank Zickert | Quantum Machine Learning


Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

TL;DR: Infrastructure-Components let you create, start, and deploy a full-stack React-app easily. With these React-components, you can concentrate on writing the business logic of your app. You don’t need to bother with its configuration.

Do you want to become a full-stack developer? A full-stack application complements the interactive React-frontend with a backend server and a database. But such an app requires a lot more configuration than a simple single-page app does.


We use Infrastructure-Components. These React-Components let us define our infrastructure architecture as part of our React-app. We don’t need any other configuration like Webpack, Babel, or Serverless anymore.

Getting Started

You can set up your project in three ways:

Once you installed the dependencies (run npm install), you can build the project with a single command:
npm run



Frank Zickert | Quantum Machine Learning

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