How to submit your story to DailyJS

Chris Brandrick
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2017


DailyJS has a growing audience of keen JavaScript developers and programmers, and is now one of the largest tech-focused publications on Medium.

We publish a variety of JavaScript related articles, including news stories, opinion pieces, deep dives, tips and tutorials.

Launched earlier this year, the DailyJS publication now:

  • reaches over 100,000 followers;
  • published work from over 50 authors;
  • received over 1M total views;
  • averages over 5,000 views per story.

Any articles published are also shared over on our accompanying Twitter account (which has over 250,000 followers).

All of this combined makes for a great place to share and amplify the reach of your words to a wider audience. We’re aiming to build a community of writers on Medium who love to discuss, share and inform on all things JavaScript.

So, if you’re writing something JavaScript related, or have something suitable already published, we hope you’ll consider DailyJS a place worthy of sharing your work.

Reaching out

We’re always on the look out for well written, interesting articles that are focused on the JavaScript landscape (in some way). If you have a story that you think is relevant to a growing developer audience, or you’re working on one, we want to hear from you. 🙂

Here’s how you can share your work:

⚠️ 2021: DailyJS is not currently accepting new submissions.

Any accepted submissions will go through some light edits before publishing. This usually includes things like spelling and grammar checks, adding images, headlines, etc. Feel free to include links to your own blog or repo as necessary.

It’s worth noting, we won’t add any advertisements, or promotional material to your story. The article is yours, we’re just giving it a home.

Once published we will then promote your story to our readers and the wider JavaScript community. (We do ask that once submitted and approved that you keep the article in the publication, in return for our edits and promotion.)

If you don’t have a story ready, but would like to discuss/suggest ideas, then by all means, still get in touch!

Need some inspiration?

Here’s a good round-up of things to consider when crafting your Medium post. It covers structure, writing style, use of imagery, and so on. Worth checking out!

…and finally here are a few articles that we’ve published on DailyJS during the past few months:

If you’ve something to say that you think the wider JavaScript community should read, DailyJS is a great place to share it.

We’re looking forward to seeing what you have to share. 👍



Chris Brandrick

Editorial Director at Cooperpress | Curator of Switch Weekly