I Earn $100 per Hour Writing On Medium — You Can Too.

Turning your development skills into money using content creation.

Twan Mulder



A great platform to share knowledge, experiences, and life stories.

I started consistently posting tech-related articles on Medium around a year ago.


I’m not 100% sure.

I like writing. It’s a great way of exploring what has been going on inside of your mind. It forces you to find out what has been happening in your life the last day, week, month, year, or even your entire life.

Besides exploring how your mind has been developing lately, writing has allowed me to share my knowledge regarding my work field.

This is great for anyone who has a certain passion or loves their job.

Writing will make you rethink what you already know and what you still need to learn regarding a subject.

Personally, I love sharing things I learn about web-development.

Cool HTML. Crazy CSS tricks. Life-saving JavaScript know-hows.

I love them all.

And most of all, I love sharing these things with any- and everyone who might need these things.



Twan Mulder

Frontend Developer who loves creating enticing experiences | Employed at De Bijenkorf