I Finally Understand Callbacks in JavaScript

ThankGod Ukachukwu
Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2021


Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash


Internalizing callback is important. It is a concept in some programming languages which includes C, C#, Red and Rebol, Lua, Python and JavaScript.

However, in JavaScript it is as fundamental as the language.

A callback is a function passed as a function argument and called at some point in the function. Callbacks are used to encapsulate logic to be executed in the calling function which usually contains other logic which could be general to our programming logic.

Apparently, there is this confusion that comes with learning a new programming language. Beginners would often encounter experienced programmers dishing out the dos and don’ts, bombarding newbies with areas they should avoid. One of the concepts which we are advised to use sparingly are callbacks.

You may have come across callback hell. Where we are supposed to be wary of callbacks but believe me, you need to know callbacks before you can know how to avoid the ‘hellish’ part of it. Using modern JavaScript features such as async/await are some of the solutions. However, modularization of code can enable us be adept at programming with callbacks effectively. However, to be a successful JavaScript engineer, one must be versed in its core programming concepts, one of which is callback.

