JavaScript ‪Module Cheatsheet 📄‬

Samantha Ming
Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2019


Code Tidbit by

Here’s a cheatsheet to show you the different ways of exporting and the corresponding way to import it. It really distills to 3 types: name, default, and list. Just make sure your export matches your import way and you will have no problem 👍

// Name Export | Name Import
export const name = 'value'
import { name } from '...'
// Default Export | Default Import
export default 'value'
import anyName from '...'
// Rename Export | NameImport
export { name as newName }
import { newName } from '...'
// Name + Default | Import All
export const name = 'value'
export default 'value'
import * as anyName from '...'
// Export List + Rename | Import List + Rename
export {
name2 as newName2
import {
name1 as newName1,
} from '...'

Now let’s look at each of them and see how they work 🤓

a. Name

The key here is having a name. Hence a “named” export lol 😂

export const name = 'value';import { name } from '...';console.log(name); // 'value'

❌ What did I say, no name, no export!

export 'value'
import { } // 👈 see I don't even know what to put



Samantha Ming

Frontend Developer sharing weekly JS, HTML, CSS code tidbits🔥 Discover them all on 💛